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Teaching Old Dogs

It's been a while since I have actually learned something new in regards to computers. Sure, when I switched over to using a Mac almost exclusively I certainly had to adapt, but I wouldn't call that actual learning. My brain didn't absorb any new knowledge; it simply transformed and shaped old knowledge until it was compatible with my new platform. Nothing i do in OSX is anything new... I just do it differently.  Not since I struggled to teach myself DOS in order to play my father's copy of Strip Poker 3 (without his knowledge of course) can I say I have felt like I was discovering something.  Mining out a new section of brain so I can later fill it with the treasures of my labor.  

Then came Another Plachy Project.

I won't go into detail here regarding the weight that that sentence holds because that, in itself, is probably another blog.  I will say that this is the first time I have been genuinely excited and willing to put my own time into something that wasn't originally mine. Granted, my vision of The Project isn't nearly as grand as everyone else's but who cares. I get to write.  I like to write.

I am also finding, however, that I enjoy web design.  Before you get all riled up I'm not considering any career changes; but the whole process is intriguing.  And, thanks to the project, I am now learning how it works.  Did you catch that?  I'm learning.  After all these years I wasn't even sure it was possible anymore and yet here I am, learning. How far I will take this process and how much time I will commit to it is still a mystery (even to me) but it's nice to know I am still capable of said process.  There is still, apparently, room in this mine for more shit... so, for now, I must keep digging.

Lurning is gud.
Web design IS fun.
Flash is even more fun. Except when it doesn't work.

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