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The mind is a funny thing.

When you are young it's all about what's hiding in the dark.  Your mind is so new and unexperienced that you don't know what is hiding where you cannot see.  Your imagination betrays you and starts concocting all manner of terrible shit that could possibly be lingering under your bed.  Then your subconscious gets in on the fun and suddenly those unimaginable beasts are given life through your dreams.  When you are a kid, that's what nightmares are:  An inexperienced mind terrorized by an imagination.

Of course, as we get older, we know that the Beasts of the Underbed aren't real because our mind has been educated enough to know that the boogeyman cannot exist in the real world.  So just as a child acts up when it is neglected, your imagination, once again, begins plotting against you.

I cannot speak from any experience what your imagination comes up with when you are happily married.  I imagine your spouse dying or your children in peril are right near the top of it's list.  I can, however, tell you what it does to a single person.

It brings up the happiest moments in your life (in regards to any relationship) and plays them over and over for you.  Maybe it's just confused and thinks you will enjoy reliving those times.  In part it's right... Dreaming those dreams are great when you are dreaming them.  But then you wake up... and realize it was all a dream.

Or, as the day progresses, a nightmare.

I just want the boogeyman back.