Youth Movement
It's dark in this room. To my left I can hear Plachs snoring softly on the couch. Behind me, Chester sleeps soundly in his room (with the door locked to prevent any nutsonface attacks from Joe) and beyond that, Joe sleeps while Arrested Development plays on his TV.
So what am I doing awake at this hour?
Originally I was going to write (I do that now thank you very much) but I found myself instead looking through the 2 years of intermittent blog posts on my myspace. You laugh now but myspace was, at one point, a place for friends and all my friends were on it. It was also a creative outlet for me. My first foray into blogging was, of course, a passage insulting myspace and the terrible habits practiced on it. From there it was an emotional roller-coaster taking me from the highs of my 24th birthday to the lows of Megan leaving for the FBI. It was depressing to read but also somewhat enlightening. Like a tiny time capsule of how I evolved through what was one of the most important times of my life. The first time I knew I had friends who would lay down in traffic for me. The first time I had a "real" girlfriend. The first time I had fallen in love. The first time I had my heart broken. All milestones in a life that, for so many years, consisted purely of video games. The most startling realization, however, had nothing to do with any of those things.
For some reason, back then, I was a better writer.
I think it's because I wrote more often then (granted, I have spent more time writing this fucking game in the last six months than I ever did in that two year span) and enjoyed what I was writing about. I like writing pompous diatribes about how I feel the world should be. It pleases me and, back then, I was doing it more regularly. I intend to get back on that horse in the hopes that I can again achieve the level of blogging excellence that I once was capable of.
I know that, in reality, these posts will mean little to people other than those closest to me. To most people who somehow stumble across this page (looking for religious trinkets no doubt - heathens) I am just another asshole with an opinion. And that's true. But if that opinion is worded beautifully and is fun to read (Yes Joe, things can, in fact, be fun to read) maybe they will come back to "see what that crazy fuck has to say next." Who knows, a year from now people may visit this page regularly because, by means of releasing a game, my worthless opinion now has some sort of value associated with it.
One day, I hope to be as capable a writer as Tycho... but that day is years off. Until then, I will keep trying to entertain you and climb back up the blogging mountain in hopes of seeing the summit once again.
I'm not sure that this is entirely true. I felt the same way about my writing as well (because, you know it's really all about me), up until I met a few new people who started reading it who assured me that I am, in fact, still funny. I think what happens is both you and your audience grow acustomed to your style so you start to think it's not as good and your readers don't correct you because they don't think there is any problem.
At any rate, once every six months when you post something it always makes me laugh. (On the other hand, you may never top the wheel of music.)
Posted by
amberance |
9:33 AM