Saturday, January 12, 2008

New Years Resolutions...

It's been a while since we spoke last. I will skip the pleasantries because I assume your answers will be "Fine" and "No, nothing new." Oddly enough, those are my answers as well.

Writing you ask? Well, it’s been so long since we talked that I'm sure you are expecting my opus to be complete. Hell, I've had a year to complete it; surely that was enough time.

Have I mentioned I'm a terrible procrastinator?

The truth of the matter is that I have done some writing in the last 365+ days since I last posted here. I wouldn't say it was a "substantial" amount of writing... but it was certainly "an amount."

So why am I here? That's a valid question and I applaud you for asking it. Writing, in general terms, is a stimulus for me. It doesn't matter if I am writing a blog, erotic Mirrormask fan fiction (Neil Gaiman Joke!), or the project formally known as "My Opus", as long as I am writing something. Writing is the lube that allows the cogs in my brain to continue to spin and maybe, just maybe, churn out a story or two.

The ideas are many but the motivation is little (writing faux pas) so we will see how far I get with this year's resolution.